5 Key Concepts Lash Artists Learn at Eyelash Academy

The volume lash certification training is a one-day class for first-time students and seasoned lash artists. However, the requirements for enrollment at the eyelash academy include some classic experience in the industry.

What’s included in the Training at Eyelash Academy?

The Volume course includes classroom lessons and apprentice programs. The school of PMU also gives each student a volume lash kit. All the support materials and topics focus on helping lash artists build skills and advanced knowledge that

 will improve their expertise. Volume course training concepts include the following:

1. Fan Anatomy

A volume fan includes several false eyelash extensions joined and applied to the natural lash. Here are the lessons you will cover on this topic:

  • Identification and description of a perfect fan.
  • Different fanning procedures.
  • Narrow, medium, and wide fans.
  • Lash diameters.

2. Preparation

In this topic, students learn how to:

  • Choose the type of lash set and size correctly.
  • Work with individual eye shapes.
  • Examine the natural eyelashes.
  • Manage the work environment.

3. Lash Mapping

Students learn advanced skills, including how to:

  • Choose lash extensions that suit individual eye shapes.
  • Create deliberate wispy and textured effects.
  • Use curls and thicknesses effectively.
  • Use of the corrective lashing technique.
  • Create a flawless top line.

4. Irritation and Infections

In this lesson, lash artists learn how to:

  • Identify and avoid eye irritation.
  • Avoid exposure to glue fumes.

5. Application Techniques

This Concept of advanced eyelash artistry training includes the following:

  • Isolation and taping skills.
  • Administering different lashes.
  • Ways to build a durable set.
  • The length between natural eyelashes and eyelids.


Students who complete the volume lash certification training gain advanced skills in eyelash artistry. You can enroll for this course at the School of PMU, a top eyelash academy, to learn the latest volume techniques. A training package includes an accredited certificate, a volume lash kit, and ongoing support from the school.

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