In-Person Training Vs. Online Microblading Classes

Today, technology has made it easy for many cosmetology schools to offer basic and advanced in-person and online microblading classes. The School of PMU is among the leading institutes that provide learners with the skills to become successful licensed estheticians through online training. But should you choose in-person training or online microblading classes?

Choosing Between In-Person Training and Online Microblading Classes

In face-to-face learning, students interact with trainers physically at a specific location and during appointed times. This type of setting can be rigid for seasoned make-up artists who already have other schedules but is convenient for beginners.

In virtual learning, you can engage the training platform and communicate with other learners in your class anytime, from any location. Online microblading classes are flexible and convenient for individuals who can train in-between daily routines or schedules.

In-Person Microblading Classes

Enroll/train in a specified location-Learners must be at the physical location of the training program as stated in the enrollment or application forms.

Time–The school runs the training sessions within the set time, suitable for each category of learners.

Online Microblading Classes

Enroll/train online–No geographical restrictions for learners. You can enroll from any city or country in the world.

Virtual classes via technology–Learners’ requirements include computers or smart devices connected to the internet.

Time-Besides the set time for an exam or video sessions, learners can interact with the training platform 24/7

Access to Tutorials–School of PMU provides online learners access to LIVE sessions on microblading topics that include questions and answers. The material is PDF printable.

Support group–Private Facebook group available to virtual students and instructors


When choosing between in-person or online microblading classes, you do well to examine factors such as the learning environment, self-motivation, technology, and flexibility. Today, many learners are migrating towards digital training because it is cost-effective, flexibly fits their schedule, and is accessible anytime, anywhere.

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